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Weekly Messages

Based on...
John 3:1-17

HOLY TRINITY…Although Scripture does not use the word “Trinity,” the doctrine is clearly presented in the Bible and is extremely important.   


“But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.” (John 15:26)


Today’s big question: why is the Trinity important?


The Trinity is the doctrine that states there is one God but three Persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Scripture clearly states that there is one God yet three separate Persons (for example, see Matthew 28:19 and Mark 12:29).


Each Person of the Trinity plays a role in salvation. When we study these roles in light of the doctrine of the Trinity, each Person gives us a deeper understanding of God and His Word.


Today’s reading in John references all three Persons and states that the Father and the Son will send the Holy Spirit to testify for Jesus. God’s only Son, Jesus, was sent into this world so “that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:16–17). The Holy Spirit testifies that Jesus is the Christ—the Messiah and Savior.


When we interpret this passage, we should recognize that each member of the Trinity is God. All three speak with authority because God—the Creator of everything—is our ultimate authority is every area, and that is the major reason why the Holy Spirit can testify of Jesus:

But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. (1 Corinthians 2:10)


If the Holy Spirit is not God, then we cannot completely trust the truths to which He guides us, such as Jesus being the Messiah.


God has given us this truth through His Word, and the Trinity is important simply because the doctrine is revealed in Scripture. Also, doctrine of the Trinity goes hand in hand with the doctrine of salvation (e.g., the many things that Jesus said and did have no meaning if He is not God). Even though the word “Trinity” is not found in Scripture, the doctrine is clearly presented.


So, today’s big idea: the doctrine of the Trinity is important because it helps describe the nature of God and helps us to know God better.

Daily Devotions


Daily study of God's Word and reflection of it provides us with an opportunity to grow in our faith and become closer to God.  Through the resource of "Our Daily Bread" we hope to provide you with an online Devotion that will help you grow in your relationship with God and push you to grow stronger in your knowledge of His teachings found in the Bible.

Go to  for your daily devotion.

Remember daily devotion of God is an important practice and a great "tool" to use in our lives of challenge.   Connecting to the teachings of our Lord every day helps strengthen you in your community, family, and faith.

Walking with God daily makes your journey in life easier and  fuller and allows you to see the world through eyes of hope and new vision.   

We hope you will grow with God as you spend time in prayer and in His Word.


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We're excited to provide members and  friends 

with free access to the Right Now Media Bible

Study Library which includes over 2,000 videos 

that will sharpen and equip you and your family.

How To Sign Up


To sign up to access the Right Now Media

library is simple.  Sign in by going to their website

at:  Once on the sight you need to follow the instructions and sign up for your own account.  

Then take time to enjoy this site and the opportunity for you and your family to grow in your faith with God and grow in His Word!!  If you ever have any questions in what you view, do not hesitate to contact me at the church, 517-882-8000.  Blessings on your journey in God's Word!!   -Pastor Jan

Right Now Bible Studies

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(Requests are sent to Redeemer’s Pastor)


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"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

The world around us is changing everyday and with it is the need of God's Word.  "Crosswalk" is a resource filled with various venues that can help you in a time of crisis or enlighten you when life seem dim.  Just click on and a world of spiritual knowledge and ideas will be before you.  Yes, here you will find opportunities to answers some of life's hardest questions that can "cross" your way, knowledge about God's Word that you never knew before or some insights into today's world issues.


Whether you are facing marital challenges, work problems, health issues, children who don't respect/listen to you, or you are questioning your own faith OR issues in the world around you... the answers might be found right here through the thoughts and challenges of others. 

Today, if  you find yourself at a "Crosswalk," take some time to journey at, 


May God be with you as you journey!!

The Word of God changes things that you cannot change on your own.  Make it a regular part of your life, and get ready for the impossible to become possible.


God's Word can change your life forever. All you need to do is"open" His book and see the darkness in your life shine with new light.  

Yes, have Faith in God's WORD and you will know His WILL for you.   

                         Read His  WORD anytime at:                                         OR>niv

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Redeemer Church, E.L.C.A.
OUR MISSION:  "Making Christ Known through our Helping Hands."
Sunday Worship:  10:00 a.m.
Lunch Follows:    11:15 a.m.





2727 W. Holmes Rd.

Lansing, Michigan 48911

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