Getting Involved is Simple
We believe God is doing something special at Redeemer and we want you to be a part of it. We invite you to come and make Christ known "through your Helping Hands."

Our mission is... "to provide nurturing care to God’s children through our Helping Hands, offering a safe haven for holistic growth."
Helping Hands Christian Learning Center
For over 28 years, Helping Hands Christian Learning Center has been a "home away from home" for both children and their families in the greater Lansing area.
Helping Hand's is a ministry of Redeemer Church and provides children a safe, secure, comfortable and inviting learning experience that promises they will be prepared for their school years ahead.
HHC Learning Center, which is licensed by the state of Michigan, creates a positive environment for children to establish the confidence they need to explore and discover the world around them. Also it enhances their personal creative skills that will empower them to discover who they are as they engage with others.
Not only do we prepare children for kindergarten and the school years ahead, but we also provide their parents with daily peace of mind. HOW do we do this? By letting them know their children, "their gifts from God," are safe and being well cared for each day, physically, emotionally and spiritually so that they will be ready for their future.
Yes, it would be an honor to be a part of your child's growth and the future God has planned for them. For more info call,
Helping Hand's New
"Out Door"
Learning Center
“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream that involves others is a reality.”
We at Helping Hands Christian Learning Center and Redeemer Church have been dreaming for a long time about how we could provide a healthy, outdoor learning space for both the children of our Center and the children of our Community. We have finally established a vision for this dream, which is now going to become a REALITY!!
Yes, we were able to write grants to fund the project, we were able to purchase the piece of land to the west of our property from the Ingham County Land Bank, we had blue print designed by Swanson Architects of Lansing, and we are current receiving bids from builders to have an “Outdoor Learning Center” built on the Land.
After raising funds through grants and donations, our plan is to complete this very important project. If you can help with funds, please donate on our website or call, 517-882-8000. Thank You!!
This “Outdoor Learning Center” will provide children, in the middle of our city with the opportunity to enjoy a safe, outdoor environment, where they can garden, play outdoor chess and checkers, “climb” logs, do outdoor art projects and enjoy nature activities, etc. Also there will be many physical activities due to the outdoor space provided and all meals will be enjoyed outdoors under the shelter that will be built.
Research has shown that children who enjoy this kind of environment over time develop a more positive self-image, manifest more classroom harmony with others, develop an interest in science and math by connecting with nature, set up patterns for an active and healthy lifestyle, develop stronger language skills, and do better at problem-solving and communication skills through projects and group activities--all in all, every child will benefit from the environment.

Our plan is to complete This Outdoor Learning Center once we raise all the funds we need. If you want to help with this project, see our Giving Page or Call, 517 882-8000. Thank You!!

On Sundays at 9:00 am the Adults gather to study God’s Word. It is time for all to grow in their relationship with God. Each week for approximately 45 minutes, you will spend time with others reading, discussing, and seeing how God chooses to engage with you. Take time to grow with him and His Word.
See you Sundays @ 9:00 am.
On Wednesdays at 7:00 pm we journey and grow through various studies throughout the year. Depending on the church year, calendar and season we will find ourselves in different books of the Bible and engaging in different topics. Come join us on Wed. at 7:00 pm and allow yourself to Grow with God and apply His Word to your life and various topics...
See you Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm.
Various Community Outreach Opportunities
“THE MORE YOU GIVE, THE MORE YOU GET!” If you are looking for a place to share
your time, share your gifts with others, we have some opportunities for you…
Loaves & Fishes-A Homeless Shelter in Lansing: We Volunteer on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month @ 5:45 pm. We need 2 people to serve and 3 people to prepare the meal (main meal, salad/veg. & rolls, and desert)
Thanksgiving Food Baskets: We prepare Baskets the week before the holiday for those in need in our community. These include a turkey and the fixings for a complete dinner. If you would like to help, call the church office a couple weeks before Thanksgiving and see what items we still need. Also we can also use deliverers.
Lansing Food Bank Collection: On the 2nd Sunday of each month we collect non-perishable food items for the Local Food Bank on Holmes Rd., near MLK Blvd. Items can be dropped off at the church M-F, 7am till 6pm.
"Clothe-A-Child:" is a late summer/fall opportunity that invites all of us to buy socks, underwear and school clothing for Lansing children in need. This allow us to give to “at-risk” youth and allow them to start school feeling good about themselves. Do what you can and make a difference in a young person’s life. All clothing is dispersed through the “Love Closet” at Judson Memorial Baptist Church.
"SCRIP:" is a fundraiser of the church that invites anyone and everyone to buy “gifts cards” at face value and in exchange the merchant you buy from will give the church a “kickback.” So, if you buy a card at Meijer for $25 and get a card for $25, Meijer will give the church a % payback. The same is true for all merchants. We order cards the 1st & 2nd Sunday’s of the month and cards are received the 3rd Sunday of the month. Check out www.glscrip.com for the merchants that participate in this program and call the church to place your order.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: If you are looking for a place to share your “God-Given-Time,” a place where you can grow in your faith and serve others… we have various events where you can volunteer and enjoy great fellowship with others too.
Taco Dinners
Easter Egg Hunt
Summer Picnic
Ice Cream Social
Trunk or Treat
Helping Hands Christian Learning Center
Call the church if you would like to volunteer or if you have questions regarding any of our events, 882-8000. Rides to events can always be made available for you.

Come Enjoy Some
Free Ice Cream
On Us!!!
Annual Ice Cream Social
We have been welcoming our surrounding community to our Annual Ice Social for over 20 years now. Each summer in August we hold this great Event which includes FREE, “Melting Moment’s Ice Cream, FREE inflatables and games for the kid’s to enjoy, live music that will lift your spirit, food for a nominal fee, and our 50/50 raffle which guarantees a minimum winning prize of $500 or more and the opportunity to win various donated gifts from local businesses. This event draws folk from all corners of our city and is enjoyed from 3:00 till 6:00 pm. Please join us!!
Trunk or Treat
TRUNK OR TREAT is a safe alternative for “Trick or Treating” in our community on Halloween Eve. Redeemer Church members provide a family, friendly outreach event for our surrounding community every October 31st from 6-8 pm. During this time we pop our car trunks, which are “filled with treats” and share them with all who come to celebrate Halloween. This is a FUN, FREE & SAFE time for all and hundreds of children show up every year for this AWESOME event. All who attend, both community families and the volunteers who help, always enjoy this fulfilling, social event. Join us for a great time!!

Serve & Care For Others
We are a church who is active in our local community, with each other and with the stranger in need.
Our purpose is to be “Helping Hands” to those around us. We do this by listening to other’s needs and providing for them in what ever way we can to better their lives.
Jesus said, “Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” Matt. 25:40b. We are all members of God’s family. We are all here to care for one another. May our “Helping Hands” be the Word of Christ in your lives.