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“In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”

The Joy of Being Baptized


Baptism means ‘going public’ with our faith in Jesus. It is a sign that we belong to him and a reminder of what Jesus has done for us: he died on the cross and rose form the grave so that we could die to sin and be made alive to God (Rom. 6:11).


When we are lowered into the water, we remember his

sacrificial death.  When we are raised out of the water, we

remember his victorious resurrection.

Jesus calls everyone who believes this good news to receive baptism as the sign that they belong to him (Matt. 28:19).

If you need to be baptized or would like to learn more about baptism, please fill out the form below.

Belong, Worship, and Grow
Becoming a Member at Redeemer Church

                                                                     Redeemer Church holds its members in high regard. We expect                                                                          them to lead as missionaries of the gospel in our context,                                                                                    believing that God purposely placed us in this city, among these                                                                        people, in this time period, so that we could know God and make                                                                      Him known (Acts 17:26-27). Membership means calling a specific

                                                                     church  your ‘home’ and taking responsibility to ensure its health

                                                                     and growth. It begins with the realization that Jesus did not die

for you only but for the entire church (Acts 20:8), and it includes joyful obedience to Jesus’ commands to selflessly give of your resources (2 Corinthians 8:1 – 9:15) and your abilities in order to build up the church (1 Corinthians 14:12; 1 Peter 4:10).

If you and or you and your family are ready to begin the membership process and learn more about what it means to be a member of Christ’s universal church, as well a member here in our local body at Redeemer, please fill out the following interest form so that we might assist you. We look forward to spending more time with you learning about you and sharing God's Word with you.







Here at Redeemer Church, we believe that "marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with the purposes for which it was instituted by God." For the book of Hebrews says, “Marriage should be honored by all…”

Therefore, at Redeemer Church, we take seriously the business of marriage … not just the wedding ceremony, but the life-long relationship that begins on the wedding day. We want to help your

marriage be a strong and lasting one.

Couples who are members of Redeemer or Helping Hands Learning

Center, or who are children or grandchildren of members, may always

get married here and must participate in at least (3) premarital advising


If you are not a member here, but you are interested in getting married

here, you must be willing to explore what faith means to you and your

partner. That means participating in at least (3) and perhaps more,

premarital advising sessions with clergy, as well as attending church

regularly during your engagement, and exploring as a couple what it

means to participate in a faith community.

As most people know, Marriages call for a great deal of planning. Please contact the church at least (6) months in advance of the event, and preferably one year, ahead. The Pastor decides whether or not to perform a marriage at Redeemer, and any conversations about marriage here always begin with an appointment with the Pastor.

We perform marriages for all couples, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. All standards for premarital preparation, membership, etc. apply equally to every couple that gets married at Redeemer. 

Please see the attached brochure for more details about our Weddings and then either email us at  or phone us at 517-882-8000 to set up and appointment if you are interested in being married at Redeemer.

The Death of a Loved one...

and their burial

Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life, all who believe in me will not perish but have eternal life."


Death raises questions of eternity, questions of hope, questions about God, questions about the future. The immediate grief from the loss of a family member can be profound, and the planning of a funeral or a memorial service can seem daunting.

In this vulnerable time, the church wants to walk with those who grieve and celebrate the

life of the person who has died. The Service Book of the church tells us that all "baptized

Christians should be properly buried from the church and laid to rest so they can find

peace with God."


Church members should call the church for pastoral support when a member

approaches their time of death. If you are not a member of Redeemer Church, but you

 wonder if your loved one can be buried from this Community Church, the answer is

"YES," so please consult with the Pastor as soon as possible.

For more information about church funerals/burials contact the Pastor, the Rev. Jan Hite, at the church office, 517-882-8000,  or by email at

Are You Interested in Getting Married Here?
Getting Married
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